Helpdesk Trauma

3 min readJul 28, 2022
Created by CLyon

So, I need the big TV in the staffroom, that no one watches because it isn’t connected to any outside broadcast material, to the pupil’s social area. Apparently they need it for gaming when they are not in lessons. Lucky them. It’s not like they have any subjects or exams to study for. After two years of acting as a makeshift mirror and being about as useful as a box of matches on the Sun, the time has come for its purposeful relocation.

I have the skills to wall mount a standard family sized TV on my own. Yes, I know that ‘standard size’ can be contentious and subjective and that size isn’t everything, but I am talking about handling 50 inches alone. Anything else requires another set of hands; feel free to snigger at the back. Anyway, the task and the TV is too big for me and to be honest, I’m a teacher, we have dedicated staff employed for such missions and it is to these guys that I turned.

The first part of the process is to work out how to make contact. The school system has multiple HelpDesk variants and like a plucky virus some can be more harmful to your well-being than others. The logical step is to seek out those with prior knowledge. I am told by the school receptionist, the absolute font of all knowledge going back two decades, informs me that I need to speak to Mario in IT. I am excited. A conversation, with a human and a human I have relatively easy access to. Off I go.




Educator, Private Academic Coach, Ed D student and lover of words. Father, brother, son, and like to laugh.